
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to rotate an OpenAI API key.

Generate a new OpenAI API key

Step 1 - Navigate to the API key page

The API key page is located at

Step 2 - Generate a new API key

2a. Click on the Create new secret key button

Click the Create new secret key button underneath any existing API keys

2b. Configure the key

Within the Create new secret key modal, there are two settings: an optional Name field and Permissions. Make any necessary modifications and click the Create secret key button.

2c. Copy the key

Upon success, a Save your key modal will be displayed. Press the Copy button to place it on your clipboard.

Replace the original OpenAI API key

Replace the original OpenAI API key with the new one in all impacted applications and services.

Revoke the original OpenAI API key

Step 1 - Navigate to the API key page

The API key page is located at

Step 2 - Revoke the OpenAI API key

2a. Start the revocation process

Identify the API key to be revoked and click the trash can icon associated with it.

2b. Confirm the revocation

Within the Revoke secret key modal, ensure the correct key is selected and click the Revoke key button.
