Azure DevOps

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to rotate an Azure DevOps Personal Access Token.

Regenerate an Azure DevOps Personal Access Token

Step 1 - Navigate to the Azure DevOps Tokens page

1a. Navigate to Azure DevOps Organizations

Navigate to the Azure DevOps Organizations page and click on the relevant Azure DevOps Organizations Account.

1b. Navigate to Personal Access Tokens

Under User Settings, click on Personal Access Tokens.

Step 2 - Regenerate the Personal Access Tokens

Click on the any token and the Revoke, Edit, and Regenerate actions will appear. If you click on Edit will reveal that tokens’s information. Ensure you’re rotating the correct token. Confirm the token regeneration action by clicking Regenerate.

You’ll see a message at the top indicating that you “Successfully added a new personal access token”.

Note: Clicking Regenerate will revoke the existing key in addition to creating a new one.

Replace the Leaked Azure DevOps Personal Access Token

Replace the leaked Azure DevOps Personal Access Token with the new one in all impacted applications and services.
